Thursday, March 17, 2011

NAPNAP Annual Conference next week!

Signs of spring abound in my part of the world! I saw a humpback whale from my window this morning - sea lions and seals have also been spotted! Fishing tenders are slowly making their way into the harbor too. It is almost time for the herring fishery. I love this time of year - daylight savings brings added daylight and the cold snap is a distant memory.

Another great sign of spring is the annual NAPNAP conference. While I am not able to attend every year, it is the one conference that I most want to attend! It is hard to decide if it is networking or the education that I enjoy the most. Being  surrounded by others who love pediatrics as I do is inspiring.  Thank you in advance to all the folks at NAPNAP and the Baltimore Chapter for making it all happen this year! Special advance thanks to all the presenters, speakers and those who work behind the scenes for sharing your talents and time!

I will try hard to blog during the conference so those of you who are unable to attend can get a sample.
For those of you who will be in Baltimore - make sure to look at name tags! If you mention this blog I have a small token from Alaska to share with you!

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