Friday, March 25, 2011

Finding Friends at NAPNAP

One of the surprises of attending a conference is finding friends from long ago and friends you have known only by email and teleconference! Little did I know that this would be a highlight of the conference.

Finding Mary Erickson at NAPNAP was pure joy! Mary was my first "boss" as a new PNP working at Seattle Children's Hospital way back in 1979! Not just any boss, Mary was dynamic, positive, enthusiastic, bright and a tremendous advocate for the nurse practitioner. There were just a few of us at the time, and I feel very grateful that Mary was the one to mentor and model the potential of the PNP role for me! Mary has not changed, still a powerhouse of enthusiasm, energy and intelligence! So much fun to get back in the groove with Mary! Hope we are able to work together again - maybe on the eChapter!

Another treat was being able to meet two of the eChapter board members! Whohoo! After all those months of teleconferences and emails we finally get to meet LIVE! It is interesting - the eChapter board is really terrific - supportive, positive and willing to think outside the box - I really enjoy our monthly teleconferences. But there is something about seeing someone that brings there personality and voice to a new level of awareness and appreciation. As the newborn gazes intently at the first look at mom or dad, and vice versa, I felt this need to soak in details of the smiles, eyes and face and connect it with the voice I have heard or read all these months.

Cheryl Sinclair, with gentle arm twisting by President Elect, Paulette Hermann, submitted a letter of interest in the Membership Chair opening last December. She has been a tremendous asset to the board and is the cheerleader of the group! Had a fun lunch date with Cheryl the day before our annual meeting today - and found a new friend. It was wonderful!

Marion Donohoe is a treasure - highly competent and already very immersed in the NAPNAP leadership - we are very fortunate to have her expertise and talents.

Additionally we had eChapter members today that I met for the first time - from Maine, Vermont and Tennessee! Every one a gem and loaded with talent. We have so much diversity and so much talent - being an eChapter member is the best!

I suggest a new byline for future NAPNAP meetings should be - "Come to NAPNAP - where old and new friends meet!"

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