Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leaders Wanted or PLEASE Consider Running for an open eChapter office!

It is that time of the year when we try hard to cajole, sweet talk, arm twist, bribe, or use any other legal and ethical means to fill open positions on the Executive Board!

First of all, let me tell you who is currently on the eChapter board:

Nancy Cavanaugh, President
Paulette Hermann, President Elect
Marion Donohoe, Secretary Treasurer
Kathy Fabian, Web Chair
Cheryl Sinclair, Membership Chair
Marion Donohoe, Legislative Chair

Nancy will assume the role of President Elect and Paulette will assume the Presidency. Marion has agreed to stay on as Treasurer, but we are dividing the two positions which leaves an opening for the Secretary. Kathy Fabian has given us a letter of interest for the President Elect position and Cheryl Sinclair has also submitted a letter of interest for the Membership Chair position.

We certainly do not mind having competition on our slate of officers - but we still have some major vacancies!

We are looking for a few brave and willing  people to "step up to the plate" and join a winning team! We need a Secretary (a 2 year term), a Legislative Chair and a Web Chair (aka "Communications Chair" is being proposed). We could have co-chairs if that is easier, or co-leaders in any of the leadership roles!

In addition we need committee members! People who are willing to take on specific tasks to help with the workload and attend our monthly teleconference calls.

The more members involved the greater our influence can be. With a larger and diverse board we can better represent the very large membership we currently have.

I can't express how wonderful it has been to be an active part of this eChapter! We are just touching the surface of its potential! There is so much more we can be doing, so many more ways to use technology to outreach members! I also think the eChapter will take on leadership in looking at how social media affects our practice and the children we serve.

Please consider running for office or for a committee! If you would like more information send an email to me at The deadline for filing a letter of interest is April 15th!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for those of you who have contacted the board about interest in an office! Please send a letter of interest for a specific position to I will forward it to the board and we shall soon have a ballot to send to the membership! There are still openings and we always have need for committee members too! Don't be shy!
