Friday, June 3, 2011

Finding Community

One of the goals of the eChapter is to help members who because of distance, busy lives, or whatever the reason, to connect with other pediatric nurses and nurse practitioners. We want to welcome people at whatever degree of participation they are able to give. I know that level changes for as many reasons as we have members!

One of the first things NAPNAP members should do, if connection and community are important to you, is to go to the NAPNAP website, log on with your member number and password, and then create your profile. For those of you who have forgotten your log on information, do not dispair, the folks at the NAPNAP office are more than willing to help! You can contact the National Office at 877-662-7627. Once logged in click on the "Community Profile" link to review and update your profile. Under the Groups Section, click on your chapter link. You will be asked to subscribe to the eGroup, where you can network with peers.

We have many competing places to spend our limited and valuable Internet time. If peer networking and support are important, please consider connecting to the eChapter. We promise not to waste your time, and to respect the level of commitment you can make.

The eChapter board looks forward to serving you and learning of your needs!

Coming soon - the names and contacts of your 2011-2012 eChapter board.

Monday, May 23, 2011

eChapter May meeting

For those of you who are members of the eChapter of NAPNAP you may be interested in our monthly teleconference meeting this Thursday, May 26th at 10:30 am EST. We meet for an hour by phone and go over agenda items.

Of interest this month is getting a draft budget ready to approve next month, discussion about a speaker we are sponsoring at the NAPNAP 2012 annual conference in San Antonio (see and setting goals for our 2011-2012 year.

This is our 3rd year of operation as a chapter! It is an exciting time to be looking at how electronic communication can connect a widely distanced group into a small power house of action. We have a lot to look forward to.

If you are interested in joining us please send me an email and I will forward you the connecting telephone number and code -

Summer is coming - lots of May flowers in the landscape and more sunshine in the skies.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Spring time seems to be a transition time for many. Here in Sitka, Coast Guard families get ready for their new assignment every June. School is ending. Retirement looms for many of us "boomers."

So it is, I find myself saying goodbye to a job I love and moving from beautiful Sitka by the Sea, It feels very strange to not be employed. I do not like that. I am plenty busy! There is more than enough cleaning, organizing and packing to do! I am not bored. I just am not ready to stop working completely.

The reason for the move is complex, but is most influenced by my ever growing need to be physically closer to my three little granddaughters. They live in California, and that is just too far. It is also expensive to travel. While my son and daughter in law are very gracious and generous to let us stay with them, I know that being too close for too long is not good for sustaining a healthy happy relationship. A little distance is good for everyone.

Excitement and sadness are all intertwined. It is a strange season of our lives. So many options, choices are unlimited and overwhelming. As a couple that still enjoys a strong friendship, we struggle with vastly different views of what retirement means and where it should occur. Our solution is to take baby steps into this unknown territory.

We will move to the LA area sometime this summer. and plan to stay in or around southern California for the next 2-3 years. Then we will return to our Alaska home, which we are renting to a Coast Guard family of 5, and decide what the next decision point will be. It is a work in progress.

Casey, Mackenzie and Meghan - Easter fun!
While in LA I will likely volunteer or perhaps be lucky enough to find part time work - something flexible, but allows me to keep my skills current. My husband and I are both in the medical field so perhaps a locums or medical travel opportunity will come our way! However, what I am most looking forward to is talking and playing with my three grand daughters whenever I want!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cold Virus or Flu

I have been out of commission for several days, low grade fever, chills, very fatigued, cough, sneezing, heaviness in chest, swollen glands, ears plugged and general malaise. Started out like a cold, but really felt more like the flu when the body aches developed. All I wanted to do was sleep - and sleep I did!

Is It a Cold or the Flu?

The cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different types of viruses with different symptoms. Use this chart to learn the difference between the two.
Signs and SymptomsInfluenzaCold
FeverUsually presentRare
AchesUsual, often severeSlight
ChillsFairly commonUncommon
TirednessModerate to severeMild
Symptom onsetSymptoms can appear within 3 to 6 hoursSymptoms appear gradually
CoughingDry, unproductive coughHacking, productive cough
Stuffy noseUncommonCommon
Sore throatUncommonCommon
Chest discomfortOften severeMild to moderate
HeadacheCommonUncommon -               Compliments of Genetech website! 

So I am going with the flu. It started around Wednesday last week with sneezing and coughing, but I felt fine... until Friday when the body ache and fatigue set in. The weekend was a total loss - I slept 18 hours at least both Saturday and Sunday. I am still achey today, but the cough is a lot less and my glands are no longer swollen. I think it is going away. The symptoms really came in waves - 3 - 4 hours of feeling awful followed by an hour of two of recovery.

Viruses are strange - I felt it migrating to different body sections from the top of my head gradually moving into my chest. Part of the day feeling complete fatigue and part of the day hoping that I was in recovery.
We all know there are no real treatments for a virus, it just runs its course. But to make myself more comfortable, I gave into sleep, drank lots - tea, water, juice, cocoa, anything cold or hot tasted great. My son attended a holistic chef school not long ago and this experience really gave him some valuable skills in cooking nutritious meals. He made some very therapeutic herbal teas that really helped. Vicks on the chest and a spoonful of honey for the cough. That's about it. 
Sadly I missed some work, but none of us are indispensable! They carried on bravely without me!
I am hoping that tomorrow will be a "normal" day. We shall see!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

eChapter members get ready to vote for your next leadership team!

This blog may not be exciting to many but to those of us on the eChapter Board it is great news!

NAPNAP uses a fiscal year that ends June 30th, which means the terms of office expire on that date as well. Election of officers gives an organization an opportunity for new growth and new voices to be heard at the decision making table. This is good!

The eChapter ballot is almost ready to be voted on! We need at least one more nomination - a secretary for a 2 year term. This is a great way to begin your participation in the eChapter - we have a wonderful template for recording minutes, making your job as easy as possible.

Besides the benefit of your leadership voice in making decisions for the future of the eChapter, we also offer some assistance to our board officers to attend the national NAPNAP conference. Not to mention the wonderful training available from national and the opportunity to develop strong friendships with other PNP's and the NAPNAP National Office staff.

Please consider submitting your name to be considered for a position on the eChapter board! Time is running out! We need to hear from you no later than April 30th. If interested drop me a short note and I will send you a copy of the bylaws and answer any questions you may have. The only criteria is you must be a current eChapter member of NAPNAP in good standing.

Look forward to exercising your right to vote later in May via Survey Monkey!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Donate Used Medical Books to Iraq Book Project

Health care clinicians in Iraq are seeking medical books that are not more than one edition out, and journals less than 5 years old, CD's and DVD also welcome. Please remove identifying names and addresses, but a note with email address is OK.
Boxes should be no more than 70 pounds. Length plus girth of each box must be less than 108 inches. Specify "books/media rate." Postage costs are only to the US Army post office (domestic).
For the post office address or more information about donations, email David Gifford, M.D., at

This notice was in the AAP news on March 2011 (

I imagine that Iraq is not the only place where medical books and nursing books are sorely needed. If you are aware of other places that could use donations, please feel free to comment on this blog and let us all know.
This is a great way to recycle out your last edition when you replace it with the newest one! Much better than putting it on a shelf or in a landfill!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leaders Wanted or PLEASE Consider Running for an open eChapter office!

It is that time of the year when we try hard to cajole, sweet talk, arm twist, bribe, or use any other legal and ethical means to fill open positions on the Executive Board!

First of all, let me tell you who is currently on the eChapter board:

Nancy Cavanaugh, President
Paulette Hermann, President Elect
Marion Donohoe, Secretary Treasurer
Kathy Fabian, Web Chair
Cheryl Sinclair, Membership Chair
Marion Donohoe, Legislative Chair

Nancy will assume the role of President Elect and Paulette will assume the Presidency. Marion has agreed to stay on as Treasurer, but we are dividing the two positions which leaves an opening for the Secretary. Kathy Fabian has given us a letter of interest for the President Elect position and Cheryl Sinclair has also submitted a letter of interest for the Membership Chair position.

We certainly do not mind having competition on our slate of officers - but we still have some major vacancies!

We are looking for a few brave and willing  people to "step up to the plate" and join a winning team! We need a Secretary (a 2 year term), a Legislative Chair and a Web Chair (aka "Communications Chair" is being proposed). We could have co-chairs if that is easier, or co-leaders in any of the leadership roles!

In addition we need committee members! People who are willing to take on specific tasks to help with the workload and attend our monthly teleconference calls.

The more members involved the greater our influence can be. With a larger and diverse board we can better represent the very large membership we currently have.

I can't express how wonderful it has been to be an active part of this eChapter! We are just touching the surface of its potential! There is so much more we can be doing, so many more ways to use technology to outreach members! I also think the eChapter will take on leadership in looking at how social media affects our practice and the children we serve.

Please consider running for office or for a committee! If you would like more information send an email to me at The deadline for filing a letter of interest is April 15th!