Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Spring time seems to be a transition time for many. Here in Sitka, Coast Guard families get ready for their new assignment every June. School is ending. Retirement looms for many of us "boomers."

So it is, I find myself saying goodbye to a job I love and moving from beautiful Sitka by the Sea, It feels very strange to not be employed. I do not like that. I am plenty busy! There is more than enough cleaning, organizing and packing to do! I am not bored. I just am not ready to stop working completely.

The reason for the move is complex, but is most influenced by my ever growing need to be physically closer to my three little granddaughters. They live in California, and that is just too far. It is also expensive to travel. While my son and daughter in law are very gracious and generous to let us stay with them, I know that being too close for too long is not good for sustaining a healthy happy relationship. A little distance is good for everyone.

Excitement and sadness are all intertwined. It is a strange season of our lives. So many options, choices are unlimited and overwhelming. As a couple that still enjoys a strong friendship, we struggle with vastly different views of what retirement means and where it should occur. Our solution is to take baby steps into this unknown territory.

We will move to the LA area sometime this summer. and plan to stay in or around southern California for the next 2-3 years. Then we will return to our Alaska home, which we are renting to a Coast Guard family of 5, and decide what the next decision point will be. It is a work in progress.

Casey, Mackenzie and Meghan - Easter fun!
While in LA I will likely volunteer or perhaps be lucky enough to find part time work - something flexible, but allows me to keep my skills current. My husband and I are both in the medical field so perhaps a locums or medical travel opportunity will come our way! However, what I am most looking forward to is talking and playing with my three grand daughters whenever I want!

1 comment:

  1. Baby steps are good! You'll have fun creating your own adventure.
