Thursday, April 21, 2011

eChapter members get ready to vote for your next leadership team!

This blog may not be exciting to many but to those of us on the eChapter Board it is great news!

NAPNAP uses a fiscal year that ends June 30th, which means the terms of office expire on that date as well. Election of officers gives an organization an opportunity for new growth and new voices to be heard at the decision making table. This is good!

The eChapter ballot is almost ready to be voted on! We need at least one more nomination - a secretary for a 2 year term. This is a great way to begin your participation in the eChapter - we have a wonderful template for recording minutes, making your job as easy as possible.

Besides the benefit of your leadership voice in making decisions for the future of the eChapter, we also offer some assistance to our board officers to attend the national NAPNAP conference. Not to mention the wonderful training available from national and the opportunity to develop strong friendships with other PNP's and the NAPNAP National Office staff.

Please consider submitting your name to be considered for a position on the eChapter board! Time is running out! We need to hear from you no later than April 30th. If interested drop me a short note and I will send you a copy of the bylaws and answer any questions you may have. The only criteria is you must be a current eChapter member of NAPNAP in good standing.

Look forward to exercising your right to vote later in May via Survey Monkey!

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