Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome to the NAPNAP eChapter blog!

This is our first attempt at blogging for the NAPNAP eChapter! We are searching for ways to make our chapter more accessible to  members and create a stronger social network, Most of us have chosen the eChapter option because we live where no state NAPNAP chapter exists or we do not have easy access to a state NAPNAP chapter. Whatever your reason, we welcome you and invite you to be as active a participant as your life allows!

We hope you have your NAPNAP member number and password so that you can log into the NAPNAP website and take advantage of the great resources available to all NAPNAP members. We especially hope you will log onto "Our Community" and complete your profile, maybe even download a picture of yourself! We are anxious to connect with you and hear of your accomplishments and needs. To log in go to:

Welcome and we look forward to hearing from you! 

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