Sunday, January 23, 2011

Excitement about March conference!

Having an opportunity to "get off the rock," as we say in Sitka, is cause for some excitement! Sitka, Alaska is a pretty nice place to live! In fact, many folks take an Alaskan cruise just to visit our lovely city by the sea. My usual reason for leaving is to go to see my grandchildren. Aside from that, one of my favorite reasons for leaving Sitka is to go to the annual NAPNAP conference! The chance to hear all those great conference talks and mingle with people I have so much in common with makes me feel pretty good.

One of Sitka's beautiful harbors! 

Kudos to the conference planners for doing such an awesome (and I do mean HUGE as well as WONDERFUL) job at putting together such diverse topics, so there is something for everyone.

If you have not yet made plans to attend, it is not too late!
Baltimore, MD

Our eChapter is just two years old! We have an opportunity to help define NAPNAP for those with unique outreach challenges as well as those who desire to have a more eco-friendly and sustainable method of networking and sharing. Whatever your interest, let your voice be heard! If unable to attend the Baltimore conference, email or share a comment on the blog! The eChapter board is anxious to hear from you and how we can better serve you!

Be safe out there! 

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