Friday, June 3, 2011

Finding Community

One of the goals of the eChapter is to help members who because of distance, busy lives, or whatever the reason, to connect with other pediatric nurses and nurse practitioners. We want to welcome people at whatever degree of participation they are able to give. I know that level changes for as many reasons as we have members!

One of the first things NAPNAP members should do, if connection and community are important to you, is to go to the NAPNAP website, log on with your member number and password, and then create your profile. For those of you who have forgotten your log on information, do not dispair, the folks at the NAPNAP office are more than willing to help! You can contact the National Office at 877-662-7627. Once logged in click on the "Community Profile" link to review and update your profile. Under the Groups Section, click on your chapter link. You will be asked to subscribe to the eGroup, where you can network with peers.

We have many competing places to spend our limited and valuable Internet time. If peer networking and support are important, please consider connecting to the eChapter. We promise not to waste your time, and to respect the level of commitment you can make.

The eChapter board looks forward to serving you and learning of your needs!

Coming soon - the names and contacts of your 2011-2012 eChapter board.